HD Lace (Product Code: FR-40)
Thickness of lace(net) ?
No of holes per 25.4 mm (1 inch) of HD Lace : ?
Size of the interior diameter of hole: ?
200 x 62
400 x 125

We supply FR-40 as the alternative net of French Lace. Many likes FR-40.

The net (our product code: FR-40) here can be a substitue-net for Swiss net UN-5E, or French Lace.
Many of factories (that could not be supplied with the original French Lace) use our FR-40.

1 layer of the net, HD French lace or fine laces (nets) in Color BG or BG3 is almost not visible on a white paper.
The image BG and BG3, both were parts of a picture taken of the net at a time, and cut into 2 pieces (parts).



1 layer of the net, HD French lace or fine laces (nets) in Color Color FL (or FL3) is almost not visible on a paper in white.
The image FL and FL3, both were parts of a picture taken of the net at a time, and cut into 2 pieces (parts).

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